Mérida 2025

The NAYEN annual Conference is a fantastic opportunity to share Rotary Youth Exchange with fellow Rotarians from around the world. We have 3 days of conference programming for both first time attendees and those new to RYE, as well as veteran RYE volunteers. The conference will offer speakers, sessions, and exhibits all geared towards enhancing your District's Rotary Youth Exchange program.

Conference Dates: Thursday, Feb 20, 2025, to Saturday, Feb 22, 2025

Location: Fiesta Americana Mérida

Cost: $449 Early bird rate unti Aug 31 2024

Looking for past conference presentations & materials? The past presentation slides are available to download here.

Call for session speakers & topics opens


Call for session speakers & topics closes

TBD - Summer 2023

NAYEN Annual Awards Application launch

September 21, 2023

Registration pricing increase

October 28, 2023

NAYEN Annual Awards Application due

January 1, 2025

Registration pricing increase

January 2025
February 5, 2024

Last day to book the group/special hotel rate

March 1, 2024

Last day to register for the in person conference

March 6, 2024

Badge Pickup begins, last day to register for the virtual conference

February 20, 2025


First Day of the Conference!



Conference Hotel

Hotel Fiesta Americana

Paseo de Montejo No. 451 Esq. Avenida
Colón C.P. 97127 Mérida, Yucatán, México

Book your group rate for North American Youth Exchange Network Annual Conference 2025
Last Day to Book: Monday, February 5, 2024

Special Rate, standard room: $169 CAD per night

Rate available for reservations: 02/29/2024 to 03/13/2024


Looking for more information about the conference hotel?
Click here for photos of the hotel & rooms

Click here for information about check in, arrival airport, parking, on site dining options & more


Individual Attendee


(includes the banquet dinner on Saturday)

Recent ROTEX


(Past RYE students who returned after 2016, this is for those that have recently returned and are still starting in their careers.)



(All Rotarians attending the conference should register as individual attendees. Spouse registration is for included meals and the Saturday banquet only.
Spouses are not able to attend sessions.)

Attendee (Individual, ROTEX, Spouse) meals:

Breakfast: Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Lunch: Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Break snacks: Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Dinner: Saturday Banquet dinner

Thursday & Friday dinners are not provided by the conference. These meals are on your own. 

Registration Pricing and Increase Dates

Please note, in person registration prices will increase on Sept 1, 2024, January 1, 2025 & February 1, 2025.

In person Registration:
Last day to register for the 2025 in person conference: February 15, 2025

Registration Type Until Aug 31 2024 Sept 1 - Dec 31 2024 Jan 1 - 31 2025 Feb 1 - 15 2025 Onsite
Full Attendee (all Rotarians) $449 $499 $549 $599 $649
Rotex $400 $400 $400 $400 $450
Spouse/Guest (non-Rotarians) $400 $400 $400 $400 $400
Banquet Add-on $125 $125 $200 $200 $225

Thursday only: $200

Friday only: $200



All cancellations will be charged a $25 fee to cover fees related to returned payments.

Days of Notice Prior to the Annual Conference

    • 45 days notice, 100%
    • 30 days notice 75%
    • 21 days notice, 50%
    • 14 days notice, 0%

Please contact Kim Armitage and Bruce Stimson with registration and cancellation questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Call for Proposal/Session information

The Call for Speakers will launch in late summer 2023. Contact the Program Committee: Pauline Perreault and Fran Hochhausen if you have any questions.

The program for the 2024 conference is currently in development.

You can checkout the agenda from the 2023 conference for an idea of the types of sessions available.

Yes! We have great sessions and information for District Governors!

General Conference Information

Last day to register for the in person conference: February 22, 2024.*
Last day to register for the virtual conference: March 6 2024.

This is earlier than in prior years! Late registrations on site may be limited due to the contract with the hotel. If you are planning to register, please make sure to sign up as soon as possible!

Once the conference starts on March 7th, we will not be able to guarantee registration for virtual attendees. The last day to register for virtual access to the conference is March 6th.
Make sure to register as soon as possible!

Whova is the conference app, it is the best place to find information on the program, speakers, connect with other attendees & more!

The conference app will be available 60-90 days prior to the start of the event.
Once it is live, check back here or the email you used to register for the event for a link to the app!

Is it before December 2023? The app will be published 60-90 days prior to the start of the conference.
If it is before then, there is not a live event to log into yet!

Did you register & pay in the last 15-30 minutes? Once the app is live, new registrations are sent to Whova every 30 minutes. You will not have immediate access.

Were you registered by someone else from your district? Reach out to that person & confirm the email they provided for you at registration. You will not be able to login automatically unless your email matches. If there is a typo in your email, contact Shannon Brunston, confvicechair1@nayen.org to correct your registration.

I think I have the right email, but there is already an account & I don't have the password
On the login page, click 'forgot password' & then follow the instructions to set up a new password & then try to log in again. NAYEN cannot reset your password.
If you are using a district email address, like "InbouncChair@district1234.org", the last chair may have already set up a whova account. You'll want to reset the password, or reach out to Shannon (email above) to modify your registration to a personal email.

I tried to register with an apple, facebook or other social sign on email, I don't have the event once I'm logged in.
Please log out. Please log back in using the email you provided at registration. Only the emails provided at registration will get immediate access to the event in Whova.

All cancellations will be charged a $25 fee to cover fees related to returned payments.

Days of Notice Prior to the Annual Conference

  • 45 days notice, 100%
  • 30 days notice 75%
  • 21 days notice, 50%
  • 14 days notice, 0%

Please contact Kim Armitage and Shannon Brunston with registration and cancellation questions.

You can also send someone else in your place to attend the conference, please contact Kim Armitage and Shannon Brunston for registration substitutions.

All Rotarians involved in Rotary Youth Exchange who would like to attend sessions need to be registered as "attendees".

Those registered as "Spouse" will no longer have access to sessions starting in 2024. Spouses have access to event social activities, meals, and the banquet dinner.

If you are a young professional, who when on exchange 2015-2016 or more recently, please feel free to register as a ROTEX attendee! We are excited to welcome you to the NAYEN conference! The lower ROTEX rate is intended to help recently returned ROTEX members engage with the wider RYE community.

If you are a Rotarian, established in your career & went on exchange in for example 1980 or 2000 or 2010, please register as an individual attendee. We are also excited to welcome you to the NAYEN conference! We do contact ROTEX registrants to confirm the year they went on exchange prior to the conference.

Hotel FAQ

$169 CAN/night

This rate is only available until Feb 5th 2024. This is an earlier cut off than in prior years. Due to the spread between the group rate and the current hotel rates, there will be no extension for the group rate.

If you are planning to come to the 2024 conference - book you hotel asap!

Current rates, with no discounts, are $322 CAN/night (as of June 6, 2023) for March 2024.

You can check in as early as February 29th, and check out as late as March 13th and still get access to the group rate.

Planning to attend in person? Don't miss out on the group rate, book your room today!

No, you will need to contact the hotel directly to modify your reservation.

The closest airport is the Vancouver International Airport.
Airport codes:

  • TC: CYVR

You can learn more on their website: https://www.yvr.ca/en/passengers

1000 Burrard Street,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V6Z 2R9

The hotel does have parking available, but there is a charge. If you are driving to the conference, you will need to pay for parking at the hotel.

