Training for District Governors
Among the priority action steps identified by the NAYEN board of directors, training for District Governors is a very important action step. We expect this to be rolled out by March 2024. However, if you have needs for training earlier than this, we have a number of subject-matter experts who are happy to speak with you and support your efforts. Contact the Learning & Development Chair (ldchair@nayen.org).

YEO Resources
NAYEN collects templates and resources that can be used by districts to operate their programs. These resources go through a review process prior to being published here. If you have questions about any of these items, or if you have suggestions for things to be added, contact our Learning & Development Chair (ldchair@nayen.org)

Periodically, NAYEN offers webinars for timely and timeless topics to help Rotary districts and district volunteers operate their programs.
Past webinar recording can be found on our YouTube channel: youtube.com/@NAYENrye
Online Learning
All NAYEN online training courses are normally accessed using the Youth Exchange Administrative Hub (YEAH), RYEDB (for some SCRYE districts), or the Rotary Youth Volunteer Management (YVM) system (for non-Youth Exchange Volunteers). All NAYEN districts have access to those courses at no charge because NAYEN member districts pay dues to NAYEN. The cost for all non-NAYEN districts to use the NAYEN Training System is $100USD per year per district (including those that use YEAH).
If you would like to have an account set up or have questions about the use of these courses, please contact Learning & Development Chair Mike Markley (ldchair@nayen.org) and/or Dr. Dennis White (dennis@denniskwhite.com).
Available Courses:
Youth Protection Awareness
Host Family Orientation (USA)
Host Family Orientation (English)
Youth Exchange Volunteer (USA)
Youth Exchange Volunteer (English)
Local Coordinator Training
Culture-Shock and Reverse Culture-Shock
Outbound Parent Overview
Counselor Training (USA)
Students Overiew - The Basics
Programa de Protección a Jóvenes (GENERAL)
Orientación para las familias anfitrionas
Ser los padres de un OUTBOUND - Visión General
Programa de Protección a Jóvenes PARA ESTUDIANTES
Programa de Protección a Jóvenes PARA VOLUNTARIOS
Sensibilisation à la protection de la jeunesse
Conscientizacao de Protecao a Juventude